Career Opportunities
Providence Christian School is seeking Christian individuals who:
Experience joy in teaching and being with children/young people.
Experience joy in the subject matter and content.
Are relational, collaborative, fair, and gracious.
Are willing to join the efforts of a Christian community striving to keep Christian education thriving in Northern California.
If you’re interested in any of the following opportunities, please email Jeff Tollison at jtollison@orlandpcs.org with a letter of introduction and a resume.

Junior High/High School Teacher
6th -12th grade English Language Arts - (Grammar, Composition, Reading)
6th -7th Math (Saxon)
6th-8th Science
6th - 8th Homework Lab
September 2022 through May 2023 (contract includes 10 additional work days)
Starting Salary $37,500
3% Matching Retirement Fund
Multiple breaks: Thanksgiving - full week; Christmas - two weeks; Presidents Day - full week; Easter - full week; Etc.