Our Program
Our kindergarten through 5th-grade classes are designed to train students in a biblical worldview in all academic areas. Abeka is the main curriculum for this age group and has proven to prepare our students for a lifetime of study and learning. Field trips, physical education, and daily chapel are also integral aspects of the program.
The 6th, 7th and 8th-grade (junior high) program hones students' mathematics skills (Saxon Math); English language arts skills; scientific inquiry; historical perspective; and theological development. Opportunities for leadership training and athletics involvement are also available.
High school students (9th-12th) are consistently challenged to work hard in solidifying their understanding and skills in all content areas. Maths and sciences are rigorous, formative, and driven by a Christian worldview. English language art courses have students read classic literature, generate high-quality writing, and plumb the depths of vocabulary and grammar. Social studies offer students the opportunity to critically understand the course of important time periods. Theological and biblical study courses are designed to prepare students for Christ-centered understanding of life. Students are involved in a weekly chapel service as well as multiple community service projects throughout the year. Foreign language, visual and performing arts, and physical education are all important aspects of our high school program.